Presenting Anthropological Academic Research Results in English 
文學院  人類學研究所  
高 德 
125 M3170 
Taught in English
Ceiba 課程網頁

As anthropology and archaeology in Taiwan become increasingly internationalized, scholars need to learn how to effectively participate in global academic discourse. More and more, this typically means being able to present research results in English. Students in this course will learn how to prepare and present their research in a talk at an international meeting in English, including identifying relevant meetings in their field, seeking out sources of funding, preparing application materials and abstracts, planning their own conference sessions, making effective presentations with proper and powerful use of presentation software (e.g., MS PowerPoint or Apple Keynote), social interactions (“the Elevator Talk” and introducing yourself), and preparing and delivering a strong, concise, 15-minute talk on their research. We will also explore relevant digital library resources available to NTU researchers (such as electronic full-text and other databases) as well as how to submit your research to journals for publication. The orientation of this course is anthropological, stressing the production of research results of a high standard for an international audience of scholars: the course is not designed as instruction in English language usage, but students will be given opportunities to prepare, practice, and revise their presentations with constant feedback from their peers and teacher; we will also identify sources for students to seek help for English-language related issues. 

This course will teach students how to prepare and present their research results in English in the form of a short talk for an international audience of scholars in their field. They will learn to identify relevant associations and other organizations that hold meetings in their field, as well as how to seek out journals to submit written research results for publication. 
Attendance at all classes; participation in discussions and peer assessments; completion of all homework assignments before each session; final talk presentation.

Class attendance 20%; participation and peer assessments 25%; homework assignments 25%; final presentation 30%
Office Hours
No required print readings. Sessions will include primarily internet resources, such as conference sites, presentation technique and advice sites, paper and talk abstract sources, and video presentations for critique.

Week 01 Introduction to the Course
Week 02 International Meetings for Anthropology and Archaeology Homework before class: Identify the major international meetings in your field, their date and where they occur, types of presentations, panels, poster sessions, etc. at the meeting, deadline for application, and requirements for application.

Week 03 Writing Your Abstracts. Types of abstracts (talk, session panel, published paper), what to include, what to exclude. Homework: Prepare a talk abstract in accordance with the rules of a meeting you plan to attend (typically 250-300 words in English)

Week 04 Planning Your Talk or Poster Session Homework: Prepare a basic talk outline and a mock-up of a poster describing a methodology you use, a theoretical issue covered, or a fieldwork experience, problem, or innovation.

Week 05 Electronic Resources and Bibliographic Skills: Identifying Related Research, NTU Library Resources Homework: Explore Taida online resources and describe what databases and search technologies you have used and why.
Week 06 Seeking Help: How Can I Improve My English Speaking and Writing? Homework: What do I do to improve my English? What resources have I used? What’s available at Taida and outside?
Week 07 Funding Your Research and Travel Homework: What sources of funding do I know about?
Week 08 Midterm Week (Personal Consultations with Teacher) Initial preparation of presentations.
Week 09 Proper Powerpoint, Powerful Powerpoint Homework: Prepare a 5-minute PPT that presents a paper you wrote or a recent research paper from a major journal by another author.

Week 10 Introducing yourself and meeting others: The “Elevator Talk”, Question and Answer Session Intro, Chatting Over a Meal. Introducing Others (Being a Panel Leader) Homework: Prepare a 90 second introduction to you and your research interests and background

Week 11 Organizing Your Own Session Homework: Design a dream session based on your research interests, including topic and potential speakers.
Week 12 Publishing Your Research in English Homework: Finding relevant journals in my field, their submissions guidelines, and their impact
Week 13 Student Practice Presentations and Critiques 1: Students will present for 15 minutes in a simulated meeting talk, followed by peer assessments of the presentation Homework: Prepare a 15 minute presentation as if to be given at a meeting.

Week 14 Student Practice Presentations and Critiques 2 (continued)
Week 15 Student Practice Presentations and Critiques 3 (continued)
Week 16 Final Presentations 1 Faculty and fellow students invited
Week 17 Final Presentations 2 Faculty and fellow students invited
Week 18 Final Exam Week

Week 7
  CVs and Bios

1. Prepare a short bio paragraph on yourself, such as for a department website listing.

2. Prepare a CV (and be prepared to critique your classmates’)


Seeking Help: How Can I Improve My English Speaking and Writing?

Homework: What do I do to improve my English? What resources have I used? What’s available at Taida and outside? 
Week 01
  Introduction to the Course 
Week 02
  International Meetings for Anthropology and Archaeology

Homework before class: Identify the major international meetings in your field, their date and where they occur, types of presentations, panels, poster sessions, etc. at the meeting, deadline for application, and requirements for application. Also note the general aim or goals of the conference or subjects that it covers. 
Week 03
  Writing Your Abstracts. Types of abstracts (talk, session panel, published paper), what to include, what to exclude.

Homework: Prepare a talk abstract in accordance with the rules of a meeting you plan to attend (typically 250-300 words in English) 
Week 04
  Planning Your Talk or Poster Session

Homework: Revise your original talk title and abstract following our in-class discussion this week and comments you received. Upload your revised abstracts to the blog as a separate entry (don't replace your original).

You may also begin working on preparing a basic talk outline and/or a mock-up of a poster (or methodology) describing a methodology you use, a theoretical issue covered, or a fieldwork experience, problem, or innovation, or your general research results. Make a note of any useful resources you find concerning making posters (or outlining a talk).

Week 05
  Introducing Yourself and Meeting Others: The “Elevator Pitch”, Question and Answer Session Intro, Chatting Over a Meal. Introducing Others (Being a Panel Leader)

A. Prepare a 30-second / ~150 words “Elevator Pitch” introduction to yourself and your research interests and background.

B. Prepare short introductions (<1 minute per person) for 3 scholars who could be on a panel related to your research (find online info about them)
Week 06
  Electronic Resources and Bibliographic Skills: Identifying Related Research, NTU Library Resources

Homework: Explore Taida online resources and describe what databases and search technologies you have used and why. 
Week 08
  Funding Your Research and Travel

Homework: What sources of funding do I know about? 
Week 09
  No Class: Midterm Week 
Week 10
  Proper Powerpoint, Powerful Powerpoint

Homework: Prepare a 5-minute PPT that presents a paper you wrote or a recent research paper from a major journal by another author.
Week 11
05/05  No Class: Continue developing Presentations

Continue fixing and expanding your presentations, and we will discuss them in class next week 
Week 12
  Organizing Your Own Session

Homework: Design a dream session based on your research interests, including topic and potential speakers. 
Week 13
  Publishing Your Research in English

Homework: Finding relevant journals in your field, their submissions guidelines, and their impact 
Week 14
  Flex Session (for extra topics, catch-up, review, etc.) 
Week 15
  Student Practice Presentations and Critiques

Homework: Prepare a 15 minute presentation as if to be given at a meeting. 
Week 16
  Final Presentations 
Week 17
  Flex Session (for extra topics, catch-up, review, etc.) 
Week 18
  No Class: Final Exam Week